Making Flex Work Make Sense

The work environment is changing (again). While the shift back to traditional offices is certainly underway, the appeal of vibrant coworking spaces remains. These spaces—buzzing with creativity and networking opportunities—are more than just remote offices; they’re communities focused on productivity. It raises a crucial question:

How can we harness the social and creative advantages of coworking spaces, while boosting productivity in a new era of flex work?

It starts by recognizing flex workspaces as more than just places to work; they’re places to foster growth, creativity, and productivity. Here’s how new and experienced flex workers alike can leverage coworking spaces to be their best selves, day in and day out.

Considerations for the seasoned flex worker

As an experienced flex worker, you have a nuanced understanding of how your environment impacts your productivity and creativity. The ideal workspace should provide an atmosphere that empowers both. Here’s how to ensure your coworking space truly works for you:

  • Community and networking. Flex work is all about leveraging the community around you. Seek out spaces that not only offer a desk, but also foster a sense of community. Networking events, workshops, and communal areas can be a hotbed for collaboration, offering chances to connect with like-minded professionals. These interactions enrich your workday and can open doors to new business opportunities, partnerships, and an exchange of knowledge.
  • Location and accessibility. The location of your workspace is pivotal. Select a space that both reduces your commute and is easily accessible for your clients. Consider the vicinity to public transportation, parking facilities, and the safety of the neighborhood. Also, amenities like cafes, restaurants, and green spaces nearby can break the monotony of work and provide a quick escape.
  • Amenities and facilities. The amenities offered by a workspace are crucial in defining your day-to-day experience. High-speed internet is a non-negotiable for most professionals, but also look for other amenities that can enhance productivity. Ergonomic furniture, ample lighting, private meeting rooms, and technology support are factors that can significantly impact your overall efficiency. A space with a well-stocked pantry, relaxation zones, and maybe even a fitness center can also contribute to a better work-life balance.

Considerations for the new flex worker

Rolling up your sleeves in a flex workspace for the first time can be both exciting and overwhelming. Understanding how to navigate a new working environment is key to finding a space where you can flourish. Here are some tips that will help you succeed:

  • Experimentation. One of the best strategies as a new flex worker is to explore and experiment with different spaces. Many coworking venues offer day passes or short-term memberships, allowing you to test the waters without a long-term commitment. This trial-and-error approach lets you experience various environments—from bustling, energetic spaces to quieter, more focused ones. It’s an opportunity to understand what kind of setting boosts your productivity and wellbeing.
  • Identify your needs. Before jumping into a flex workspace, take a moment to assess your must-haves. Are you someone who needs absolute silence to concentrate, or do you find energy in a lively atmosphere? Consider the nature of your work: do you require frequent access to meeting rooms for client consultations, or is a cozy corner for deep work more your style? Reflecting on these questions will guide you in choosing a space that aligns with your work habits and personal preferences.
  • Engage with the community. Embracing the community aspect of a flex workspace can greatly enrich your experience. Many coworking spaces organize events, workshops, and social gatherings that provide platforms for interaction and learning. Engaging with the community helps in building a network and paves the way toward a greater sense of belonging. It can be a source of inspiration, support, and even friendship, making your work life more fulfilling and enjoyable.

Coworking is undergoing a rapid shift

There’s been a major shift in the realm of coworking. The financial upheaval of WeWork has spread through the industry, and it’s raising questions about the future of coworking. Once seen as the leader in the coworking revolution, WeWork is downsizing in a dramatic way, removing 45 locations from its portfolio since August 2023. It has many asking if the coworking model is still viable.

WeWork’s situation, while significant, doesn’t necessarily reflect the health of the entire coworking sector. In fact, this development opens opportunities for a reevaluation of the flex work model and a broader exploration of alternatives, like Deskpass. We offer a more diversified approach to coworking, with access to over 10,000 desks, conference rooms, and private offices worldwide. Our network spans 4500+ coworking and shared office spaces across 220 cities globally!

The Deskpass model addresses some of the key concerns raised by WeWork’s situation. By offering a wide range of spaces and flexible membership options, we cater to a broader demographic of users. From freelancers and remote workers to small businesses and corporate teams, our diverse offerings mean you’re not tied to any specific space or style of working. This flexibility is particularly appealing in a business climate where work dynamics are evolving.

Making the most of your coworking experience

Regardless of where you are on your coworking journey—whether you’re brand-new or checking into your usual spot—there are some simple steps you can take to boost your productivity in these unique environments. Here’s how to make the most of your coworking experience:

  • Take regular breaks. Use apps like the Pomodoro Tracker to remind you to take breaks for physical and mental rejuvenation. Use breaks for stretching, walking, or chatting with colleagues.
  • Remove distractions. Use headphones or earplugs to block out noise. Go ‘offline’ on communication platforms and turn off notifications. Seek quieter spots in the coworking space for focused work.
  • Keep your workspace clean. Maintain a tidy, clutter-free desk. Organize your space for a positive, relaxing work environment.
  • Network during breaks. Engage with other members to build a supportive community. Collaboration and social interactions can boost happiness and productivity.
  • Use private rooms. Book private rooms for critical tasks or when you need peace and quiet. Sound-proofed booths and meeting rooms are great for focused work.

The future of work is changing, and so is the future of coworking

Flex workspaces are more than just places to work—they’re dynamic environments that offer resources and opportunities that empower professional growth. Whether you’re a seasoned flex worker or new to the coworking world, leveraging these spaces effectively can transform your work experience.

Deskpass gives you access to a global network of workspaces, opening up endless flex work possibilities. It’s easy to book your desk for the day, the week, or longer, in thousands of locations around the world. We’re your passport to a more personalized, adaptable work life. Book a space today and discover a flex work environment that empowers you to be the best version of yourself.

Get a complimentary $250 Deskpass credit when you sign up for a Teams account today.

Two Options for Getting The Space You Need

Need help or interested in discussing your options?

Book a demo with an expert or call (844) 283-4530 to speak with our sales team.

Instant Workspace

Best for everyone. Simply search our network, find a workspace, and make your reservation, instantly.

  • On-demand hot desks
  • Meeting rooms
  • Private offices
  • Pay-as-you-go
  • No commitment
Find a Space

Deskpass Teams

Best for companies looking to provide flexible workspace solutions for their employees.

  • Everything in Instant Workspace +
  • Utilization based pricing
  • Admin dashboard with budget controls
  • Consolidated billing
  • Live reporting and usage insights
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