Access Management & Reporting
Everything you need to manage a hybrid work environment.
Get Your Team Started Today
accounting and
expense tracking...
all in one place
Data related to usage by workspaces, teams, and individuals helps you to make more informed real estate decisions.
The world is quickly
transitioning from the
working in-office past to
the hybrid work future
Adopting a hybrid model has many advantages for employers and employees, however, implementation will require a well thought-out plan that aligns the needs of everyone.
“Amazon shifts return-to-office stance, says remote work is OK 2 days a week”

“Microsoft is letting more employees work from home permanently”

With Deskpass Teams you can:

Easily set controls and limits by employee, team and space type

Customize which workspaces employees can view and reserve

Access key data into usage patterns by employees and the spaces they are reserving

Centralize billing and eliminate expense reports or reimbursements per employee
Interested in seeing how
Deskpass could help your team?
Let’s get started and set up your account.